Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I ran 6km with the "medium" group tonight!

Granted, they did a slower than planned pace, but I'm still pretty pleased with myself! The medium group ran just under a 6 minute pace, finishing in about 35 and a half minutes.

The Melbourne Marathon training sessions are on a much smaller scale than the Run Melbourne ones were. There were 6 groups to choose from - slow and medium groups for 6km, 8km and 10km. There were run leaders for the front and back of each group, which is a relief - the idea of running with a group that stretches you and losing them is a little scary!

Because the majority of the 6kers wanted to run the slow pace of 6-6:30 mins they only had half a dozen that wanted to run a medium pace of 5:30, so decided to run the two groups together with under 6 at the front, 6 in the middle and 6:30 at the back. It was so strange because I thought that I wouldn't be able to keep up with the medium guys, but about 2km in I completely lost the slow group and was at the back of the medium one. Because the groups were so much smaller and there weren't any lights most of the way we spread out quite a bit and I felt like I was running by myself for the majority of the way. In fact I was for the last km or so!

The ran felt... dare I say it... easy tonight. My legs felt very fresh and I didn't actually feel tired at any time. Now, I'm not sure I'll be saying that after running 8km on Sunday!

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