Sunday, August 1, 2010

Skipped the Melbourne Marathon training, but ran 8km on a lone run

I got up late this morning and then Running Cat said she was skipping the Melb Marathon session due in part because of the weather... I looked out the window and considered the rush I'd have to be to get there in time and went back to bed. I really wasn't looking forward to trying to keep up with a group that would probably be running faster than I can for a distance longer than I've run before in the rain anyway.

I didn't want to skip a run though - 2 runs a week really is the minimum - I remember when I left it a week between runs when I was sick and it was hard hard run the next week. I'm sure it was hard going because I was still a little bit ill, but don't want that feeling again! So I headed out with the aim to do an 8km run at a slow pace. I've read in many places that it's important to run at a slower than usual pace when you are running longer distances than you have before, so that was the plan. And I'm happy to say I got it done.

Here was my route:

Split times were 6:21, 6:23, 6:36, 6:49, 6:57, 7:28 (a killer km), 7:14 (feeling better), 7:00 (feeling good but a tad sore).

There's just no getting around it though - running alone is damn boring! You notice the kilometres crawling by whereas there's so much more to think about in a group.

I've chatted to Running Cat about joining her at Hobos... it sounds like a fantastic group and the Melb Marathon sessions have been a tad disappointing. I'm not sure that Wednesday night works the best for me either - training on Friday as the third session hasn't happened yet and I'm keen to start getting a third session in, but Fridays, eww.

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